that’s an awful lot of promises right there
Finally, someone gets it…
I stumbled upon this site through some reviews of US kebabs.
Needless to say, most of the kebab they serve over there is of premium quality…..
…when it comes to sucking ass.
Sooooo…San Diego based The Kebabshop is bringing a little Euro-flavour over to put an end to the misery.
Good choice fellas!
The menu looks nice, with a variety of different kebabtype foods and the usual sidedishes.
After having a blast in Denmark eating the iskender kebab a few months ago, just looking at it made me drool as a new born baby.
The one thing me no like, is the durum instead of some sort of (Turkish) bread…dunno, that’s just me I guess.
Life needs to be clear on some things, like, the rolls…that’s a turkish pizza, döner kebabs need to have the other thing going.
Conclusion: fuck what I think, eurokebab in the States is always a good thing…Kebab World Domination!
(oh, I forgot, here’s some reviews of this place….)
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