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Akseli zn hippiebijdrage!

4 januari 2011 door Bas · 14 reacties

Four Tips to Reduce Your Ecological Footprint in Kebab Restaurants.

Do you have a little hippie inside? Having a kebab you might not think about all the ecological stuff people are rambling about. But let me tell you something: ecological footprint and recycling are hot potatoes nowadays. If you want to take care about your footprint and preserve a bit of nature, here are four surefire ways to do that!

* Reuse take-away plastic bags If you like to have your kebab take-away style you probably know plastic bags you use to carry the kebab with. I use them for bin bags in my apartment. Still, they are not biodegradable bags, which brings me to my next point…

* Re-evaluate your need for take-away bags Do you actually need them? Maybe you can carry the take-away box in your hand.

* Avoid disposable cutlery. In other words, eat your kebab with those steel forks and knives you have in your kitchen drawer. I know the temptation to use plastic ones, though, but try to resist it! In kebab restaurants they usually use steel ones so it’s not a big problem there.

* Use napkins conservatively As a kid I used to go to McDonald’s alot. There I would take 5-10 napkins out of the napkin box just for the sake of comfort. I think this was unnecessary and waste of resources. Now I take one or two. How many do you take?

Those were my tips for fellow kebab hippies out there. The next step would be avoiding meat and turning to vegetarian but not everyone wants to do this. Maybe you are a vegetarian and want to share your ideas with us? Or do you have any other tips for reducing ecological footprint?

(This article was a guest post from Finnish kebab enthusiast Akseli N. He runs his own Kebab Blog at Kebablog which offers useful kebab information, reviews and news for your greasy and yummy needs!)

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14 reacties tot nu toe ↓

  • 1 Broekhoven // jan 4, 2011 at 15:54

    Eat you kebab when its fresh, take away makes your meat less tastefull. And eat kebab with a fork? Naaaaah bite-bite-bite-sip of beer-bite-bite-done!

  • 2 Bas // jan 4, 2011 at 15:59

    ik eet ook meestal ter plekke ja, maar ik woon dan ook in Hoofddorp

  • 3 Akseli // jan 4, 2011 at 18:20

    @ Broekhoven I know, I know! But sometimes you just want to have it in peace. This is when take-away comes handy ;)

  • 4 bert // jan 4, 2011 at 21:28

    Take away makes the bread moist… I´ve decided to only eat it in the kebabjoint or immediately walking away from it

  • 5 Delicatesther // jan 4, 2011 at 21:52

    Take away bags are the best trash bags.

  • 6 Akseli // jan 4, 2011 at 23:17

    @bert You are right. It happens sometimes. This must have something to do with the quality of bread. I personally like the bread a bit moist but to each his own!

    @Delicatesther Yes, sure! You can use them as shopping bags too. Do you have them in stock waiting for your trash bin ;) ?

  • 7 Delicatesther // jan 5, 2011 at 23:48

    Well, some. If we end up getting them me and my housemates save them up, yes. But it doesn’t happen too often, most of us cook at home.

  • 8 Erwin // jan 6, 2011 at 16:23

    Well, another easy thing to do is not always choosing for Kebab but sometimes take Falafel instead. After seeing the movie “Earthlings” that goddamn-treehuggung-hippiebastard inside me got a bit frustrated with all that meat.

    Since now i am not a vegetarian but i do sometimes choose something different from the menu when temptation grows once again to inhuman proportions walking along all those kebab-units in Berlin. Actually Falafel is very helpful for bringing in some variation and diversity in the sometimes a bit predictable life of an kebabshop-regular and it is holy-mother-of-fucking-tasty too!

  • 9 bob kepap // jan 6, 2011 at 23:02

    Could someone explame me why one should use cutlery, unless you’re a lefthanded masochist that wants to cut open his/her face with the serrated edge that righthanded people find so convinient?
    And.. Shouldn’t there be an ban on certain topics on this site? Mussels ok, but falafel… I would suggest only allow the remains of animals that led a meaningful life and their rapping

  • 10 Bas // jan 7, 2011 at 12:55

    I warned the guy…..I did.

  • 11 Akseli // jan 9, 2011 at 17:08

    @Erwin Yes it’s true, Falafel is a great choice! Too bad it can be easily ruined if they make it too dry. This happens occasionally but when you find a good Falafel place it can be better than Kebab! I also recommend Hummus dip with Falafel.

    @bob kepap It’s hard to eat a kebab with french fries without a fork ;) It can be done but sure is a messy one!

  • 12 Bas // jan 9, 2011 at 17:10

    thing is; I eat falafel too….BUT….all that stuff we post on
    We like to keep it MEAT over on this one…

  • 13 Christel // mrt 15, 2025 at 20:03

    Your passion is infectious, making it difficult not to feel excited about the topics you cover.

  • 14 Connie // mrt 16, 2025 at 10:09

    This blog is an amazing source of knowledge on these subjects. Thank you for offering your knowledge with the world.
